


■Closed date:30th Sep. 2017 ■Entry:Http://www.ctdsf.org.tw

■Overseas couples Entry fee:Each section NT3,000, add NT$1,500 for one more section.

( ADSF single dance championships does NOT charge entry fee, but couple(s) must be registered by their National Federation for permission to participate in the competition.  A processing fee of NT10,000 (US $ 350)  will be charged for each change made to each entry section of the previous registration.

亞洲單項錦標賽不收報名費用  但必須由國家協會報名始可參加比賽 經報名後如需更改每項每次收取手續費用NT10,000元(美金350元)


■國內選手報名費(會員);完成總會網站註冊並繳費者,報名費3,000元,(逾期加收1,000元行政處理費) 報名組別最高8組
  (也可信用卡繳費或ATM轉帳) 逾期加收1,000元行政處理費


中華郵政劃撥帳號 : 18712439

戶名 : 中華民國體育運動舞蹈總會